Friday, August 1, 2008

Audioconference August 4

The audioconference on Monday night will focus on our post-Christendom world. Here are some of the questions we will be discussing:
  • What do people mean when they call our world "post-Christian" or "post-Christendom"?
  • Why does it matter? What difference does it make?
  • What does it look like in practice? What are the characteristics?
  • How have you seen churches respond?
  • How could Christians do a better job responding?
  • In a post-Christendom world, what is the place of welcoming people into a community of faith versus going out into the community to serve?
  • People often talk about ministry in our world being characterized by belonging before believing, hospitality, the arts, and teamwork in ministry. What do these have to do with the post-Christendom nature of our world today?

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