Friday, September 5, 2008

Audioconference Monday 8 Sept

On Monday we'll begin with 15-20 minutes for you to say a few words about the last assignment. I'm particularly interested in hearing what you were most surprised to hear in the interviews you conducted. I have read several of your assignments, and I have found them very interesting. I'd like for you to have a little time to learn from each other about what you heard in the interviews and what seemed most significant to you in what you heard.

In the second section of the audioconference I will ask you to think back to 1980. Some of you will be old enough to remember it, and others will have to go on what you have heard from your parents and from others in your churches. I'll ask you to compare 1980 and 2008 in the area of communication. What has changed?

The rest of the audioconference will focus on some of those specific changes in communication technologies and what that means for congregations. So between now and then, think about that issue.