Thursday, October 2, 2008

Followup from last audioconference

I thought you'd be interested in hearing about a lecture by Anglican archbishop David Moxon that I heard last week. He talked about something that happened at the Lambeth conference recently. The Lambeth conference is a gathering of Anglican bishops from all over the world.

You may be familiar with the United Nations Millenium Goals ( They are goals for 2015 related to aspects of world poverty, many of the same ones we talked about in the last audioconference.

Archbishop Moxon said that at the Lambeth conference, representatives of the United Nations came to speak to the delegates about the Millenium Goals. These U.N. representatives said that the church is indispensible in meeting those goals for two reasons. First, many of the development agencies that work with the poor around the world are Christian organizations, and these U.N. people said that Christian development groups are essential to help meet the goals because they do so much to address poverty.

The second way Christians are influential is something I had never thought about before. Christians, as citizens, can let their voices be heard, urging politicians to help meet the Millenium Goals. Archbishop Moxon said this applies to all kinds of countries, not just "rich" countries. Even countries in the 2/3 world set policies that have an impact on the poorer people in those countries, and when Christians speak up and urge that governments help their poorer citizens or help poor people in other countries, politicians listen. Or at least they listen sometimes! Christian leaders, then, can take on the role of encouraging other Christians to speak up about world poverty and the Millenium Goals, as well as speaking up themselves. I found this idea fascinating, challenging and encouraging.

It's really nice to know that U.N. leaders are appreciative of the efforts of Christians.

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