I want to encourage you to do an Internet search for topics related to our next audioconference that are interesting to you. I just did a search for "divorce in New Zealand" and found some interesting statistics and support material for people who are divorcing and for children affected by divorce. You might search for:
- personal debt in New Zealand
- average hours of work in New Zealand
- family life in New Zealand
- pace of life in New Zealand
- families in New Zealand
Hopefully you can think of some other topics. The way people live their everyday lives has changed so much in the last 50 years. How can the church do a better job meeting people where they are? The megachurches in the US, which do a terrific job of serving and welcoming people, often offer seminars and support groups that are open to the community on such diverse topics as money management, overseas adoption, surviving cancer, marriage enrichment, parenting teens, etc. If a church in New Zealand wanted to offer a seminar or support group open to the wider community, what topics might they want to consider addressing?
One of the things I'm hoping is that this paper will help you learn to read or watch the news and to read statistics about everyday life with a eye for the impact on the church and on Christians of what you are reading. And with an eye for opportunities for the church to connect with people affected by whatever issue you are reading about.
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