Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The topic of our next audio conference is our post-Christendom world. Here are some articles on websites that I found interesting.

This is a review of a new book on why Christians need to embrace a post-Christendom model:

The author of the book reviewed on the previous website, Stuart Murray, spoke about his book, and this blog has a summary of his very helpful comments:

Trinity International University, an evangelical university in the United States, is hosting a conference on Post-Christendom Spiritualities later this year. The description of the conference is brief, but I found it interesting to read the topics they will discuss:

Here’s a post on a blog where the author describes what Christendom was. It’s a helpful description:

Here’s another article that describes Christendom and goes on to describe the post-Christendom world as well:

The next article is mostly focused on the American scene, but it raises the question of how Christians engage in politics in a post-Christendom world, and it gives several examples of the ways different Christians think Christian engagement in politics should look:

Here’s a website that is devoted to issues about post-Christendom:

Here is an interesting and thought-provoking essay (linked from the previous website) defending Christendom:

One of the discussion forums on the previous website has a few amazing stories illustrating our post-Christendom world. You’ll love these stories (and you may well mourn as you read them. I did):

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